Sunday, February 24, 2013

TRRS #0085 - Fox BMP 10/60 - Antique Scanner Radio


  1. Thanks Tom, it took your little show to tell me to turn the scanner over for instructions.... LOL ! .... How stupid was that ? ... oh well, now if the enter button would work on mine I'd be in business. :(

  2. Tom, Thanks for all your information!
    I have a couple of these 10/60's but I ran into a Fox PAC 100 FXR that has a Fox PAC 20 module plugged into the front where the LEDS are at on the 10/60. This unit is in the same package as the 10/60 but only has 6 buttons. Any info on this unit?
    "And We Thank You For Your Support"


  3. My fox bmp 10/60 scanner is hung on the weather I can't get the scanner to scan I've tried different power cords and still nothing my scanner does not have any thing on the bottom of it can u help
